Agribusiness is future of Pakistan: Zubair Motiwala

Agribusiness is future of Pakistan: Zubair Motiwala

Agribusiness is future of Pakistan: Zubair Motiwala

KARACHI: Entrepreneurship Development Program is an initiative to create capacity in the educated youth of Sindh for self employment and also to utilize the untapped resource base of agriculture of Sindh to its optimum capacity. This was stated by Chairman SBI Zubair Motiwala after a graceful launching ceremony and Orientation session of Entrepreneurship Development Program held at the Center for Entrepreneurship Development of Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi. The ceremony was attended by the faculty of IBA Karachi led by the Dean and Director, Dr. Ishrat Husain as well as Sindh Board of Investment. The main purpose of the ceremony was to welcome the first incoming batch of the Program consisting of 75 students fro the southern districts of Sindh including Karachi. This is a unique initiative taken by Government of Sindh which include 6-months training program conceived and funded by the Sindh Board of Investment and being executed by IBA Karachi and Sukkur IBA. The vision behind the program has been highly appreciated at all levels in which heightened focus has been given to entrepreneurship and many advantages enterprise development like income generation, innovation and progress. It was further informed that EDP is a unique training program, which will be executed by IBA Karachi in lower Sindh and by Sukkut IBA for applicants from northern districts of Sindh. The program intends to inculcate entrepreneurial mindset in the youth of Sindh and also to nurture small and medium agribusinesses.