Production of Resource Conservation Technologies

Production of Resource Conservation Technologies

Production of Resource Conservation Technologies

August 6-2013

Production of Resource Conservation Technologies

Production of Resource Conservation Technologies

The farmers in Pakistan are unable to face the challenges of global markets under WTO regime due to lower yields and high production costs for various corps. The issue can be tackled by introduction of innovative resource conservation technologies (RCTs) developed and successfully adopted in various countries of the world including New Zealand, Brazil, Australia, Mexico and India etc. Major constraints in the adoption of these technologies in Pakistan are high equipment costs and availability of low cost & appropriate equipment affordable by the small farmers.

The issue can, however be resolved through development of low cost equipment for successful adaptation by the farmers for field crops like wheat, maize, rice etc. The private sector needs to be mobilized through foreign investment for acquisition, pilot testing, indigenization and manufacturing of low cost quality equipment for successful adoption of resource conservation technologies.

Some of the proposed resource conservation technologies which need to be promoted locally are bed & furrow seed drill, zero tillage seed drill, happy seeder and wheat straw chopper blower. Government of the Punjab, Agriculture Department pledge to facilitate the foreign investors alongwith provision of technical services through its Field (Engineering) & Water Management Wings to establish joint ventures with local counterparts in the Punjab.