Scientists to concentrate on cultivation of olive

Scientists to concentrate on cultivation of olive

Scientists to concentrate on cultivation of olive

Scientists to concentrate on cultivation of olive

Scientists to concentrate on cultivation of olive

Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Sikandar Hayat Khan Bossan urged the agricultural scientists that Olive cultivation and its extraction will pay a tremendous role in the economy; therefore agricultural scientists work hard for production of Olive.

Minister said while visiting the National agriculture research  Centre (NARC) Islamabad that technologies developed by the PARC must reach to farmers so they could contribute to the economy and for food security.
He issued the directives during a visit to National Agriculture Research Centre Islamabad, said a press release issued here on Sunday.
He stressed the scientists that an effective mechanism must be devised in collaboration with provincial agriculture institutions for dissemination of new knowledge to end users to get positive results of our efforts.
Sikandar Hayat Khan Bosan while visiting the experimental farm fields and laboratories where he was briefed by the chairman PARC, Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed, Director General NaRC, Director API Dr. Mujeed Qazi an international wheat expert and other senior scientists.
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Courtesy The Nation