Why G1 Garlic is So Expensive

G1 Garlic is a variety of garlic that is known for its large size, mild flavor, and long shelf life. It is also relatively new to the market, having only been introduced in 2018. Due to these factors, G1 Garlic is often more expensive than other varieties of garlic.

There are several reasons why G1 Garlic is so expensive. First, it is a relatively new variety, and there is still a limited supply of it. This means that farmers who grow G1 Garlic can charge a premium price for it.

Second, G1 Garlic is a large variety of garlic. Each bulb can weigh up to 100 grams, which is significantly larger than other varieties of garlic. This means that farmers need to use more land and resources to grow G1 Garlic, which drives up the cost of production.

Third, G1 Garlic has a mild flavor. This is due to the fact that it contains less allicin than other varieties of garlic. Allicin is a compound that gives garlic its strong flavor. However, some people find the strong flavor of garlic to be overpowering, so they prefer to use G1 Garlic instead.

Fourth, G1 Garlic has a long shelf life. It can be stored for up to 8 months without losing its flavor or nutritional value. This makes it a popular choice for chefs and home cooks who want to have fresh garlic on hand all year round.

Overall, there are several reasons why G1 Garlic is so expensive. It is a relatively new variety, it is large in size, it has a mild flavor, and it has a long shelf life. All of these factors contribute to the high cost of G1 Garlic.

If you are looking for a large, mild-flavored garlic that will last for months, then G1 Garlic is a good option. However, be prepared to pay a premium price for it.