Agriculture & Environmental Studies Courses

Agriculture & Environmental Studies Courses

Agriculture & Environmental Studies Courses

Agricultural studies give you the skills you need to work in the production of food and fibre – anywhere in the world. Agriculture is the world’s largest and most diverse industry – agricultural university could prepare you for work as an agribusiness manager, a trader on the stock market, a winegrower, or a farmer on a large property.

No matter which path you choose, the world demand for food and land produce continues to grow, and solutions to manage our resources better need to be found. An agricultural college offers science-based courses, as well as the business skills you need to succeed in the commercial agricultural sector.

Environmental studies are also strongly science-based, but focus more on how our environment works biologically, chemically and physically. An environmental science degree looks at the impact that humans have on our ecosystems, and solutions for the issues of the future. Climate change, soil contamination, pollution, sustainable land and sea management – you can learn how to resolve these global problems through an environmental science degree.

Environmental science university graduates will often find a rewarding career in a private consulting firm, non-profit organisation, government ministry or an international agency.

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