Key Sectors: Agribusiness

Key Sectors: Agribusiness

Key Sectors: Agribusiness

Since the first plantings in 1846, the South Georgian Bay area including Meaford has enjoyed the distinction of being Ontario’s most northern apple-producing area. There are approximately 1200 acres of land currently being used for apple production, Today Meaford’s favourable microclimate hosts an increasingly diversified agribusiness sector.

Technology and demand are transforming agriculture and agribusiness in Ontario. These changes are reflected in Meaford’s own economy, where more producers are making their way further along the value chain, and staking out their own niche markets. The Municipality of Meaford encourages these changes by actively promoting and attracting agribusiness operations.

Today agriculture and agribusiness play a considerable role in driving Meaford’s economy:

  • For every dollar in farm gate sales, an additional $1.13 is generated for agribusiness.
  • 16.7% of Meaford’s businesses are in the agribusiness sector


Meaford’s farmers and agribusinesses benefit from the area’s uniquely moderate microclimate and lengthy growing season. The deep cool water of Nottawasaga Bay combined with the protective Niagara escarpment to the south moderate air temperature and reduces the risk of late spring or early fall frost.

Average temperature 19.7*C
Average precipitation 73mm


Average temperature -5.8 *C
Average precipitation 135mm


The Municipality of Meaford boasts a variety of Class 1 and 2 soil types including the nutrient-rich light sandy loam of Nottawasaga Bay and the St. Vincent Silk Clay of the Niagara escarpment. This clay is so heavy with mineral nutrients that many farmers in the area are able to produce excellent yields and robust crops using nothing more than compost as fertilizer.